WOW 2 months!
Hello my friends and family!
Well Happy Monday! I hope all of you had a week has been good! First I have a question of who is winning the election back home? Let me know!
First off, Congrats to Dallin Martin on returning and that's the sickest thing ive ever seen someone wear to a homecoming haha! Also congrats to Kendyl Moss on her call to Ecuador! 3rd world country life is where its at.
Ok, so I will start off with last monday we went to the biggest mall in west Africa! Something funny about that though is that its about the same size as the mall in south jordan haha! Maybe even smaller! On the other hand though they have really nice things there! I saw some white people there and its about as weird for me now as it is for other people when they see us! Then that night we went to this family the Frimpongs for family home evening and the dad of the family is our stake president and they have a really nice house here! They made us some jollaif and chicken and i enjoyed throughly! Then we went home for the night haha!
Tuesday I went on a exchange with elder Jolley and that was a fun time! His area is really big and we talked to a muslim man and his name is Jesus and he prayed for us in some really freaky way that i had no clue what was going on! We met some awesome people other then that! Ummmmm i cant really remember what we did the rest of the day other then walking around in the hot sun and me being suuupppeerr sweaty like always haha! The weather is getting to be super hot this time of year they call it homaton. Where it doesn't rain like at all and its just super dusty and ive heard you can barely see in front of you which sounds so awesome (not) haha!
Wednesday I was back with Elder Evans again and we went and taught some people that i really like, one man his name is micheal and he has a loottt of questions about the gospel and he really enjoys learning and is really progressing! His dad is pretty sick and he had been living in america for some time and hes been back here for like 2 months and they are going to have him go back because of the better hospitals and things in america. There's another man his name is simon and Elder Evans has been teaching him since before i came here and he has not been really progressing but this last week he told us of how he is having some financial trouble in his business and he has been praying for things to be better and he feels nothing is happening, he told us he hates these feelings he is having so i shared with him how my feelings and struggles have made the better things in life that much better! I think he really was happy i shared those things with him!
Thursday we had a mission tour with our area president Elder Vincent Which was good to hear from him! He had a lot of good things and one thing he talked about was being fully converted to the gospel and how being on a mission is the best way to convert yourself. He also said going on a mission isn't just to bring other people closer to the gospel but to bring yourself. He had a really good talk! His wife also talked and her talk was about her conversion story and how when she was just 8 years old the missionaries came and taught her and her mom the gospel and two weeks later they were baptized, and how to this day she still stays in touch with that missionary! How she is eternally grateful for him! It was an awesome story to hear about how much an impact missionary work has on people! It almost made me cry! I enjoyed that meeting very much!
Friday I went on an exchange with Elder Mantz and we went to my area this time and went and taught some of the serious people we are looking at to baptize soon! We walked a ton because i somehow got lost because im still learning the area some how haha! In my area there is a chop bar (small restaurant on side of road) and we went to it and they play really nice american music and i just sit there and enjoy my thing of fried rice and chicken and pure water haha! Pure water is water that is purified and they put in bags haha! Kinda wierd but really handy! This week we bought some firecrackers haha and as me and my companion for the day Elder Mantz were walking to our apartment we hear a loud bang right in front of us then one behind us and just a rain of firecrackers flew from the sky like raining on our day! Literally! The other two missionaries in our apartment got home early and were lighting them and throwing them at us! IT was a great time! It was the hardest i have laughed since ive been on mission hahaahaha!
Saturday so we are going through our normal routine back with Elder Evans and we are going to a house of a man who is fairly interested in the church and his name is denchi! He is about 64 years old and is very funny! So as we get to his house and sit down and pray and start to begin teaching with him a car pulls up and out come three men wearing nice shirts and pants and all have briefcases and if you have met these men before you know who they are! Jehovah witnesses! Asymo (big problem in twi) They come over and interrupt our lesson and ask what we are teaching and long story short i punched one of them and they didn't come back.... just kidding that would be bad! We just debated with them and they didn't listen and we decided we would just leave! But i realized that Jdubs ( what we call them) are plain out dumb! Good way to start the day. Then we went and saw this family named the Grace family they aren't that serious but we continue to have faith! The work in Ghana is getting serious people to teach and meet because a lot of people will talk with us, one cause we're white, or two because they don't want to be rude! So we have to go and find the serious people! Lots of walking and the sun is like utah except everything is wet! I enjoy humidity and understand why my bro spencer loved the humidity! Your elbows get super soft! haha.
Sunday is always the best/hardest day because its the day before p day and you just are ready for a new week and the best because you get to go to church and see the ward! I have grown to love our ward! The kids are always asking me for bracelets or CTR rings or the other things i brought for small children but that's the reason i brought them! so just a regular Sunday!
Monday this is when things get fun! SO today there is a town here called budabrum and there is a big hill/mountain there and today we climbed it. It was literally like climbing through the African jungle. I have many pictures so i will send them to do them justice!
Well thanks to all you guys who support me and love me through this time im thankful for all of you and hope you enjoy this nice LONG letter haha!
Love, Elder Paulson
New tie!
View from above!
Jungle P Day hike! OMG!
Internet cafe!
The famous water in a bag!
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