Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mission is Sweet!

Dearest family and friends.

This is the last letter I will be writing as a missionary. It makes me sad to think about that, but also excited to see all of you. My Heart is torn 2 ways.

I have had a amazing mission. I have had some amazing experiences and met such amazing people. I have loved this land and have come to call it home.

I want to say a special thank you too all of you who have supported me through this journey. I love ya and hope we can meet real soon. Thank you all for the support from your emails and letters.
This week we did a lot of more finding and were able to find some awesome people who are prepared by the Lord for this message. My companion and the one who will replace me will do really well.

One awesome experience is we found a Nigerian sister named Cynthia and she is awesome! She has a lot of questions about the gospel and we are planning to meet her tomorrow. We also taught a lady named Lydia who is also interested in the gospel and had some very good questions about the church and things we do.

Again I have LOVED this place for the 2 years I have spent here. I would not trade it for anything. It is the best thing I have ever done, and will be the best thing I ever do.

One thing I want to share is my testimony of the Book of Mormon I have gained on mission. As some of you know the beginning of my mission was not the easiest thing. I had a rough start and at one point I wanted to call it quits, my mission president, whom I have grown to love and respect, gave me the challenge to read the Book of Mormon completely through and then if I still wanted to quit I could. I said I would and started to read and it changed my whole thinking. I grew closer to my Father in Heaven and became better friends with my Savior, Jesus Christ. I wanted others to feel the same way I did. I encourage you if you have not done it already to take the challenge and read the Book of Mormon and find out for yourselves. I have loved it.

I love all you people and I am excited to see you all soon. Be safe. God Bless.

Signing off for the last time, Elder Paulson.

1-Pictures with the kids in our ward
2-The last time I see Elder Tupou
3-This girl her name is Na and she is in our ward
4-Elder Cottle and I

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Final Lap!

Hi family and friends,

I hope this letter finds you all safe and well.

Well this has been another successful week in Lartebiokorshie. We have been doing lots of finding to try and get our teaching pool to be bigger. When I arrive home I will give anyone who can say Lartebiokorshie correctly on there first try that did not serve in Ghana, I will give you 10 dollars. Challenge is out.

We have been working hard and having fun this past week. We had our zone conference this past Wednesday and we talked a lot about how we are here on the Lord's errand and how we have a job here. President compared us to Gideon when he faced the middionites. How he had to trust in the Lord and how the Lord could only show his true power with a smaller army. He went into battle with 300 against 20,000-30,000 and he won.

I have grown to love this place and the people here. I have come to understand and learn about my Father in Heaven's plan for us, his children. I have come to know that we have a Savior and he paid the ultimate price for us that we may return to live with him again. I know that this is God's church on the earth, restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is the key for us to know if these things are true. I love you all. I know this is not my last letter but it's getting close and I have so many things to say. I will just save them for when I come home.

Stay safe and May God bless.

Elder Paulson

 Elder Paulson and Elder Reid 
 These are 3 of my favorite pics of Elder Paulson with the children of Ghana.  I could do a whole post just with pics of them, they are so beautiful and loving.  

Monday, July 16, 2018

Here comes the sun.....

Hi family and friends,

I hope this week finds you well and safe. Today we don't have much time so I am going to write a quick letter and then next week I will give you more information.

Everything is going well here in Lartebiokorshie, life is good. We are doing well. We have had a stressful week doing a lot of different things other then missionary work. Like helping missionaries with things, going and ordering food for the zone conference and also having people come and fix our house. It has been a rough week of doing randoms things.

One thing that I have thought about this week is how each of us has choices and linked with each choice we make is either a blessing or a curse to us and something we regret. One scripture I really have found to love is Mosiah 2:22 and the beginning says, "All that he requires of you is to keep his commandments." That is it. That is all he requires of us is to follow the things he has given to us and he will bless us as we do. So as we make good choices, as my Papa would always say, our Father in Heaven will bless us. That blessing may not come now or tomorrow or even this year, but it will come and when it does you will see how it changed your life.

I love all you people. Be safe and may God bless.

Elder Paulson

Sadly, no pictures were attached but I love his thoughts!  

Monday, July 9, 2018

Mission is a serious blessing!

Hi family and friends,

I hope this letter as always finds you safe and all happy, this week we have been working hard and have had another good week of finding new people to teach.

For this email I'm going to talk a lot about the things I have learned being here.

Mission is a huge blessing that over the 2 years I have spent serving the Lord I have learned so many amazing things and met so many wonderful people. I have loved the past 2 years I have spent here. It was not the easiest thing but it was worth it.

We have been visiting a lot of members lately this past week so that we can be able to be better friends with the ward and they can be able to trust us more, it has been a lot of fun to get to know them and become friends with people I did not know before.

As I have been reading in the Book of Mormon these past couple of Days, I have loved it. I am now in the Book Of Ether and one part that I loved is,

Ether 3:19: And because of the knowledge of this man he could not be kept from beholding within the veil; and he saw the finger of Jesus, which, when he saw, he fell with fear; for he knew that it was the finger of the Lord; and he had faith no longer, for he knew, nothing doubting.

This has become one of my favorite versus in the Book of of Mormon as I have study it.

I love you people. I know this letter is shorter but I hope you can see the meaning I have behind it.

I hope all you guys are safe. May God bless.

Elder Paulson

1- Teaching a lesson in a tree house
2- Elder Ofozie and I
3-Elder Ofozie, I and One of our investigators Bro. Sean.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Really? 5 weeks....

Hi family and friends,

This week has been a good week, getting my new companion Elder Ofozie and showing him around the area is a lot of fun. We are getting along really well and both enjoying our time together.

We have been doing a lot of finding and contacting to try and get our teaching pool to be bigger. We have a lot of good people we are teaching right now, and hoping to have some baptisms before I head out of this place.

Tuesday Elder Bangura left to Kasoa and Elder Ofozie came. Then Wednesday was a normal day of full proselyting.

Thursday we had our MLC meeting at the mission home with the Ap's and President to discuss things to better help our mission this up coming transfer to better the work of the Lord. I have really enjoyed those meetings and feeling the spirit there as we counsel together as leaders and to learn from President.

I have been continuing to study from the Book of Mormon and learn from it every day and it has influenced me so much as I have read and put the promises it gives us into action. I love it and know it can bless any who read it.

This week I had the chance to bare my testimony in my ward here, and when I got up there it hit me that this is my second to last fast Sunday here and that made me sad and I realized what little time I have left here. Like I have said before I have grown to love these people and the culture here. From the time I have spent here learning from them has influenced me for the rest of my life and I will always remember the things I have learned here.

Well everyone be safe and Happy 4th of July. May God bless.

Elder Paulson

1. Elder Ofozie and I
2. Elder Ofozie and I and Mission momma (Rose) and Her father (they are Members)
3. Elder Ofozie and Sister Lydia and I